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Scribere: (scrībēre) to write, in Latin.


Pronounced “skreebehreh” with a trill on the second “r.” 


Established in 2016, Scribere is an award-winning international literary journal for youth, by youth. We publish quarterly in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Our mission is to inspire youth creativity. 


We’re harnessing the power of the web to make the submission process simple, sustainable, efficient, and transparent. We publish entirely online and the journal is free to anyone with access to the internet.

Awards & Recognition

2018 Bold Award, City of Palo Alto & Think Fund


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This project has been supported by Think Fund. For more information about grants for teens, visit

As part of National Mentoring Month (January 2018), Scribere was awarded a grant by Youth Service America and Disney Be Inspired to host creative writing workshops for youth. 

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